Healing Evangelist Todd White
Healing Evangelist Todd White
Sarasota, Florida
On Thursday, February 25, 2025, in Sarasota, Florida, a powerful testimony was shared about God's transformative work in one man’s life and his passion for evangelism. He spoke about a time when he was hospitalized with congestive heart failure, his ejection fraction dangerously low at just 20%. At the same time, his wife was also facing serious health challenges, suffering from fibroid tumors that required hospitalization. Despite these hardships, he experienced a miraculous recovery—his ejection fraction increased to 32% and, incredibly, later rose to 76%. His story is a testament to God’s healing power.
He emphasized the profound difference between having a true relationship with God and merely following religion. He spoke about the importance of denying oneself, taking up the cross daily, and letting go of guilt and shame. He warned that Satan seeks to deceive people into striving for something that has already been freely given—grace. Grace is truly amazing; it is the unearned gift of God.
A Spirit-filled person, he explained, naturally shares their faith, recognizing that there is no division between the secular and the sacred. Rather than compartmentalizing faith, believers must redeem the time, for the days are evil. We live in a fallen world where many hesitate to share their faith, but evangelism is essential.
He was open about his past struggles, sharing his journey from being a drug addict and a liar to facing federal charges and jail time. Through it all, he wondered why no one had shared the light of the Gospel with him sooner. But God, in His relentless love, pursued him through every trial, ultimately leading him to transformation. He referenced 2 Corinthians 5:21, which declares:
"For our sake He made Him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God."
He also quoted Psalm 103:12, reminding us:
"As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us."
During his time in the hospital, he not only experienced physical healing but also spiritual renewal. Eventually, he was able to discontinue 12 medications, and his heart function, once critically low at 20%, improved to 76%—a true miracle. Now, he walks in love toward others and boldly shares the Gospel. He encourages believers to let their light shine so brightly that others are drawn to them, eager to know what makes them different. He reminds us that there are no “secret agent” Christians—we are called to be bold in our faith.
At the heart of his message was the call to surrender and deny the flesh, submitting to God through prayer. He referenced Matthew 16:24, where Jesus tells His disciples:
"If anyone wants to come after Me, he must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow Me."
He also emphasized the power of forgiveness and the joy found in rejoicing in God’s grace. He spoke about the necessity of renewing our minds in Christ, once again quoting Psalm 103:12 to highlight God's complete removal of sin.
He stressed the importance of seeking the Kingdom and recognizing Jesus as the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. He cited Colossians 3:17, which reminds us:
"And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him."
Additionally, he referenced Ephesians 4:28, underscoring that money should be a servant, not a taskmaster:
"Let the thief no longer steal, but rather let him labor, doing honest work with his own hands, so that he may have something to share with anyone in need."
Through all he endured, Jesus relentlessly pursued him, transforming him from a drug addict into a born-again believer. Today, his mission is to inspire others to step out in faith and share the Gospel. His testimony is both inspirational and motivational.
Overall, he did an excellent job communicating that, for a believer, there is no separation between secular life and spiritual life. We are called to share Christ with others—whether at work, with friends, or even on vacation. His message encouraged believers to focus on caring for those around them through prayer and actively sharing the Gospel.
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